Friday, December 24, 2010
banana stories 1st giveaway
assalamualaikum dan salam 1 malaysie..
yeaahh..saia join GA for the 1st time..excited wow..budax baru belajar lol..masih belom terlambat kan sis..contest suda pown disedie..saia ape lagi..join la..huhu..tq akk enne.. *wink2
make an entry bout this giveaway
put my banner in your entry and your sidebar and linking it to my blog
wanna be my follower or not its all up to you babes, no offense :)
guess which one my friend NORITAH
you are given only one chance!
just states
( example )
noritah is A
this GA will be closed down on
10th January 2011
so saia teke noritah is A
(maen teke je wow..tak tau betol ke tak..hopefully betol la..boleh bapat hadiah misteri tu..)
nak join??
P/S:saia sangat excited msok GA nie..huhu..
0 loner (s)